Aftercare Recommendations
Plan to be sore the first couple of days following your tattoo. Accommodate yourself with a day of rest.
Wash your hands well with soap before touching your tattoo. Be aware of pets, and other hands wanting to touch.
Keep the “Second Skin” bandage on for at least 2-3 days, please no longer than 5 days. If you are NOT using “Second Skin”, remove initial wrapping after 2-6 hours, wash thoroughly and follow guidelines for post removal of “Second Skin”.
Depending on the area of your body, some “high use” areas may require re-bandaging with a new layer of “Second Skin”.
If any external liquids (water or sweat) get under the “Second Skin”, remove it immediately and wash with mild soap and warm water, let air dry.
Listen to your body, if the tattoo feels overly uncomfortable, hot, or irritated, remove the “Second Skin”, wash the tattoo and let it air dry, and apply a thin layer of ointment - less is more: more often. Keep the ointment with you to apply as needed throughout the day and before bed. (Vitalitree or Mad Rabbit ointment recommended).
The first night following your session you may ice the area to reduce heat or swelling. Water ice cubes in a zip loc bag is preferred over gel ice-packs for 10 minutes on/20 minutes off, with two or three cycles.
Post Removal of “Second Skin” - once wrapping has been removed, wash with a mild fragrance-free soap and warm water. Get a nice lather to remove any plasma or old ointment. Let air dry or pat with paper-towels. and apply a thin layer of ointment for the first 2-3 days, then switch to a mild unscented lotion.
Lotion will keep colors looking bright and saturated for the life of your tattoo.
Do NOT reuse the “Second Skin” (impossible). If, after the second or third day of the initial “Second Skin” your tattoo still needs re-dressing, a new piece of “Second Skin” will be provided or you may purchase “Tegaderm” from stores like CVS or Walgreens. Apply to clean and dry skin.
Do not scratch or pick. This can lead to infections. Gently rub or pat itchiness with clean cloth.
Avoid direct sunlight on the area for the first 2 weeks of healing. After it has healed, use a high SPF sunscreen on your tattoo when in the sun for the life of your tattoo.
Avoid tanning beds, in general.
Avoid prolonged soaking in any waters (lake, ocean, bathtub, pool) for 2 weeks, This may be adjusted with more or less time depending on the amount of surface area tattooed and speed of healing.
Avoid heavy sweating and friction (tight clothing or elastic) in the area of your tattoo for 2 weeks. Wash with soap and warm water after sweating and apply fresh ointment as needed.
Do not let your new tattoo stick to sheets or clothing. If stuck, soak the cloth with warm water to gently remove.
Ink and plasma may form, or “pool up” under the surface of the bandage, this is normal, however, if the skin around the tattooed area looks irritated or redness occurs after the first 24 hours of getting the tattoo, remove the bandage and DO NOT reapply a new bandage. Wash the tattoo with soap and warm water and let dry thoroughly, and apply a thin layer of ointment only if redness has subsided. If redness persists, do not apply ointment, let it dry and consult a doctor if desired.
The tattoo and surrounding area may be swollen, bruised and sore for up to 7 days.
Within 4-7 days after your session, a thin scab should form evenly over the entire tattoo. This will eventually exfoliate and peel like a sunburn. (Do not pick or scratch at it!) New skin is forming over the tattoo during this shedding process.
All skin is different, shading and certain colors may fade after the healing process.